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ALOG Inspired! 2025 - Art Show & Sale

Direct Questions to Carol Moore, Show Chair:

Please read the prospectus before going to the online registration form.




Online Registration Opens: February 5

Online Registration Closes: March 16


  • REGISTRATION FEE:  $35 per artist due at registration.

  • All members registering for the Kay Gallery Exhibition and the Online Gallery Exhibition agree to allow ALOG and BlackRock to

     use your images for show marketing.


​​​Artwork Delivery/Cashier Training: Wednesday, April 30, 5-7 pm

Gallery Curating: Thursday, May 1, 10 am

Show Hanging: Friday, May 2, 10 am

Show Dates: Saturday, May 3 - Sunday, June 1, 2025

Opening Reception: Sunday, May 4, 2-4:30 pm.

ALOG Family Day: Saturday, May 10, 12-6 pm (Mother’s Day Card Craft/Scavenger Hunt)

Closing Reception: Sunday, June 1, 2025, 2-4:30 pm.

  • All participating artists are required to attend both receptions and stay to help with take-down of the show after the second reception. To be fair, if you are unable to attend, please provide the name of the person serving as your proxy to the show chair.

Show Take-down: Sunday, June 1, 2025, 6-7 pm


Show Hours:

Tuesday – Friday: 12-6 pm (Open for viewing, sales by appointment only).

Saturday & Sunday: 12-6 pm

CLOSED Mother’s Day – May 11, 2025




Affordable Gifts for Mom: Small Gifts Table

  • When: Saturday, May 3, Sunday, May 4, and Saturday, May 10.

  • Items priced at $5, $10, $15, and $20.

  • Sign-up on the Fine Craft Weekends Sign-up Genius.

  • Label items with your initials and price. No inventory required (please make one for yourself).

  • Bring your items to Art take-in on Wednesday, April 30, 5-7 pm.

  • Items will be stored in ALOG storage.​


Fine Craft Weekends

  • Fine Crafts will be displayed in the Kay Gallery on the weekends only and in the online exhibition. Please see the available weekends below.

  • Each artist may have a six-foot table or share with another artist. Tables and tablecloths will be put out for you.

  • Artists will set up their table on Saturday from 11-12 pm and take-down their table on Sunday from 6-6:30 pm, please be on time. Your gallery shifts do not have to be on the weekend, but it would be beneficial if you did.

  • Artists submitting work requiring a display stand must supply their own, such as a clear acrylic stand or black velvet jewelry bust. 

  • Sales will be made through the ALOG cashier.

  • Tables will be monitored during show hours.

  • Priority will be given to ALOG Fine Craft Artists; any other available tables will be offered to wall and pedestal artists. Artists can sign-up for more than one weekend, first come, first served. Fine Craft Artists must register for the show.

  • You do not have to supply an inventory for your artwork, but you are strongly encouraged to make an inventory for your records. All items must be tagged with your three-letter initials and price.


Saturday, May 3 & Sunday, May 4

Saturday, May 10 & Sunday, May 11 (Closed for Mother's Day)

Saturday, May 17 & Sunday, May 18

Saturday, May 24 & Sunday, May 25

Saturday, May 31  and Sunday, June 1


Please follow this link to Sign-Up Genius to register for table space.





FREE Wednesday Workshops

Each Wednesday during the exhibition ALOG will be offering special events that are FREE and open to the public. Space is limited and registration is required.


  • Wednesday May 7: ALOG Membership Meeting | Kay Gallery, 6:45-9 pm.

- “Stories Behind the Art” – ALOG members will share their inspiration and backstories about their work in the exhibition.

No registration required.

-Social from 6:45-7:15, Meeting will begin at 7:15 pm.


  • Wednesday, May 14: ALOG Master Oil Painters Presentation | Kay Gallery, 7-9 pm.

-Join us for an insightful evening as six ALOG master oil painters share their inspiration and approach to their painting style.

-Free and open to the public, follow the link below to Sign-up Genius link to register.


  • Wednesday, May 21: A Walk through the Treehouse with Michael Marschark | Gallery II, 7-9 pm.

- Artist Michael Marschark will take you on a guided tour of his BlackRock (Gallery II) exhibition "The Treehouse" followed by

  a talk and open discussion about trees.

-Topics will include: Do you feel a connection to a tree, a group of trees, or a tree species? How do you see trees'

  relationships with life on Earth? What can we contribute to support trees and the environment?

- Free and open to the public, follow the link below to Sign-up Genius link to register.


  • Wednesday, May 28: The Drawing Game | Kay Gallery | 7-9 pm.

- Free and open to the public, follow the link below to Sign-up Genius link to register.

- Have fun exercising your intuitive abstract art skills!

- How to play: Stations with different art mediums will be set up in the Kay Gallery. Each participant will be given a sheet of paper and will write their name on the back. Each participant will be given 5 minutes to make marks on the paper. After the five minutes are up you pass your paper to the person on your right and then move to the next station to the left. This continues until you get your  original drawing back. This is a fun way to respond to marks without the pressure of creating a final piece of artwork and to experiment with different mediums. It will be exciting to see how your drawing evolved throughout the exercise! You will get to take your original sheet home with you.​


Please follow this link to Sign-Up Genius to register for Wednesday Special Events:




For further information contact the ALOG Spring Show Chair at



​Eligibility: All participating members must meet eligibility requirements to participate in the Kay Gallery and online show. To be eligible,

you should have attended two ALOG membership meetings (ALOG Happy Hours do not count) or served as an ALOG volunteer at two BlackRock receptions, or a combination of both since our Spring 2024 show. Also, annual membership dues must be paid. You must

attend two ALOG Membership meetings before becoming an ALOG member. Follow the link below to pay your membership dues.

ALOG’s Membership Director will be checking eligibility at registration.



​Images: You will need to provide a quality image (at least 1200 pixels on the shortest side and at least 1 MB in size) for all Wall Art,

Pedestal Art, Online Bin Art, and Online Fine Crafts. See registration form. 
​Virtual Exhibition: Wall art, pedestal art, online bin art, and online fine crafts must be available for sale for the duration of the virtual show. If it sells in the physical show, it will be marked as sold in the virtual show.

Wall art artists may submit 2 or 4 bin items that will be for sale in the virtual show only. These items will not be for sale in the physical show, but they can be copies of bin items that are in the physical show.


  • Fine Crafts artists will be required to provide quality images (at least 1200 pixels on the shortest side and at least 1 MB in size) for items that are in the virtual show only. These items should be separate from the items that you have in the Kay Gallery show. Fine Crafts artists will be able to enter exactly 1, 4 or 8 items that will be for sale in the virtual show only. These items do not need to be a collection; they will be separate listings but will be grouped together. We ask that all participating fine craft artists put at least one item in the virtual show, we want all of our participating artists represented.



Only original art may be hung on the gallery walls, no reproductions of an original (giclee’s).

Original art that was created digitally is allowed, (i.e., digital photography, digital painting & drawing).

Reproductions may be put in bins.​

Choose one option: Up to 4 Pieces Total:


  • 2 Large (no wider than 36" in any direction framed), AND 2 Small (no wider than 18" in any direction framed) OR

  • 1 Large (no wider than 36" in any direction framed), AND 1 Medium (no wider than 24" in any direction framed) AND 2 Small (no wider than 18" in any direction framed) OR

  • 2 Medium (no wider than 24" in any direction framed), AND 2 Small (no wider than 18" in any direction framed) OR

  • 3 Medium (no wider than 24" in any direction framed) AND 1 Small (no wider than 18" in any direction framed) OR

  • 4 small (no wider than 18" in any direction framed)


​​All art will be displayed as space permits. If your artwork does not meet the criteria listed above, please contact so that we can discuss a solution. It is good to have a few larger pieces.


Replacing Wall Art that sells: If an artist sells work from the wall it will be given to the patron at the point of sale. The artist has the option

to replace their work with another piece that is the same size (or close to it).​ If the artist does not have a replacement a sign will be placed  indicating a sale.

​It is the responsibility of the artist to send the show chair the title, medium, and price of the new piece so that a wall tag can be created. Each wall artist is limited to four pieces of wall art at a time. It is up to the discretion of the show chair to decide whether the new artwork flows with the curation of the exhibition.




  • ​3 total works (weight 50 lbs max) to be shown on pedestals or at windows as space permits. Any sculpture meant to hang must have a device attached to the back suitable for hanging, weight and size permitting. Weight limits for sculpture hung on the wall

  • will be at the discretion and approval of the ALOG hanging committee with input from the BlackRock gallery    personnel as necessary.

SUBMISSION TAGS: (Information to identify your artwork during delivery and hanging).


  • ALL WALL ART must include two labels (one on front and one on back with the Artist Name, three-letter initials, title, and price (or NFS which should be no more than 1/3 of the work each artist   submits).

  • ALL CARDS AND FINE CRAFTS must be clearly tagged or labeled with the artist's three-letter initial, price, and the artist's unique inventory number (this ensures your earnings get accurately credited to you and you can identify the sold pieces).

  • ALL OTHER ARTWORK, including bin art must have one label or tag that includes the artist’s name, three-letter initials, title,

      medium and price.


Bin work: Will only be displayed on weekends during the exhibition. Bins will be kept in ALOG storage during the week.  They will be wrapped in plastic bags while in storage.


NEW Due to space limitations, all artists may only have up to 10 unique bin items at a time. Please limit to only one print of each piece at

a time. If you have a bin that you can loan ALOG during the show it would be a big help! You do not have to supply an inventory for bin items, but your items will be checked at take-in. We strongly encourage you to make an inventory for your records.


  • ​All unframed bin art prints will be displayed in a print rack. NO framed work or canvas are allowed in the bins.

  • Each piece must be properly matted, and should be in plastic print sleeves, or wrapped neatly in shrink-wrap. Saran wrap or Ziploc type bags will not be accepted.

  • A label made by the artist must be affixed to the back of the packaging with artist name, three-letter initials, title, medium, and price.

  • All reproductions (giclee prints or color copies) of your work must be labeled as such.



Greeting Cards: Will only be displayed on the weekends during the exhibition. They will be stored in ALOG storage at BlackRock during the week.

​You may submit up to 20 greeting cards. You may submit duplicates if they fit in the same holder in the card rack (all duplicates count towards your 20 cards). All cards should be placed in plastic sleeves. You may fill in with new cards as your cards sell. You can purchase sleeves at


A 30% commission is taken on the sale of all work sold at the physical Kay Gallery exhibition (15% goes to ALOG and 15% to BlackRock). This commission applies for all artworks sold within 14 days of the Kay Gallery show closing. Artists will collect their own sales and MD (6%) sales tax during the two weeks after the show closes and must pay the 30% commission to the ALOG treasurer. 


Customers interested in purchasing art from will contact the ALOG show chair who will in turn contact the artist. The artist will collect their own sales, including MD tax (6%) during the virtual show and until June 16, 2025, and are responsible for paying the 30% commission to the ALOG Treasurer.


  • During show and until June 15, 2025: 30% commission (split with BR) on all sales. 

ALOG members working during the show should take good and reasonable care of the artwork on display.

ALOG and BlackRock are not responsible for damage or loss during the show.

All artworks will be insured by BlackRock from damage and theft from the opening date
through the closing date of the Exhibition in accordance with BlackRock’s policy of $50,000
maximum per show, $10,000 limit per individual Artworks. Any loss of or damage to the
Artworks that occurs during the Exhibition will be reported to BlackRock, ALOG, and the
exhibiting Artist(s) within one (1) week once ALOG or BlackRock is aware of any such loss
or damage.


Wall Art: Fresh, new artwork is always encouraged.​


  • All wall art must be properly framed, with wire attached 1/4 to 1/3 of the distance from the top.  The stretched wire should come no closer than 2" from the top edge of the frame. Gallery wrapped canvases that are painted all the way around are permitted.

  • NO smudged mats, wet canvases, clip or poster frames, or damaged frames are allowed.

  •  Artists are encouraged that NFS constitutes no more than one-third of the total work submitted.

  • Wall & Pedestal Art check-in includes a quality check of frame (if framed), appropriate wiring, and back finishing of each artist’s work, and Submission Tags.

  • Our show visitors include small children, so work must be suitable for display in a family-oriented setting.

  • No member may show work created by a non-member or by a member who is not registered to show.  


To have a successful show, we need your support and participation. ALOG shows are a team effort! By entering and choosing your

3-show duty shifts you help our show to run smoothly. Please follow the link below to the Sign-Up Genius to choose your mandatory

3 shifts. Remember, it’s not just the great artwork, but your enthusiastic interaction with show attendees that will help make the show a success. We are looking forward to a terrific show!


Please follow the link below to the Sign-Up Genius:

Please review list below to aid in a successful entry into the show.
1.  Entry qualifications met. ____
​2. Read & understand show prospectus. ____
3.  Delivery and pick-up dates checked and listed on your calendar. ____
4.  All Wall Artwork properly framed/labeled. ____
5.  Pedestal work properly labeled. ____​

6. Fine Crafts properly labeled for Fine Craft Weekends. ____
7.  Online registration forms submitted for Wall Art and Fine Crafts, and Pedestal Art. ____
8.  Work duty times selected on Sign-Up Genius and calendared. ____

9. Online Sign-up for FREE Wednesday Workshops. ____
10.  Calendar marked to be at entire reception(s) and entire takedown period. ____

The Art League of Germantown, Inc.
PO Box 855
Germantown, MD

© 2022 by Art League of Germantown

All images on this site are covered by copyright.

The Art League of Germantown, Inc is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization.

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